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What Performance PT is about

To, through fitness make other peoples lives better, by giving them a better understanding of what they're capable of when they're pushed. To make anyone and everyone who's willing to try be able to achieve the greatness inside them, to get them to do something they thought impossible. 

Contact Me


Tel: 0422 160 906

A life of fitness
Goal Based for the best results
Welcome  to Peformance PT

Performance Pt has one goal, to serve the need of fitness addicts! 


Whatever stage of your addiction beginner, intermediate or advanced I can help you get the one thing thats going to cure you of your addiction.  Results!


I cater to all types of addicts; Wether your vice is weight loss, general fitness, the need to gain muscle, or just perform better at sport I can help. So if you know what your looking for click the prices button below and then contact me to organize a session.

But if your not sure your an addict contact me and we can organize a free 30 minute session to work out what sort of goals you have and how personal training can assist you

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Deal of the Month!

Share your fitness addiction story on the Performance PT facebook page and get 1 session free when you purchase a 5 pack of half hour session 

Fitness has been growing in popularity for the last few years, now you can hardly turn your head without some one talking about, crossfit, bodybuilding, powerlifting, paleo, lowcarb, marathons, fad diets,.... you get the drift. 

I love it I think the more people talk about fitness the more people begin to understand how important it is. Unfortunetly there is alot(!) of bad information out there and its my goal to help inform, reform and make changes in peoples lives and make sure they can make smart informed decisions. 


Alot of exercise programs that come out of fitness magazines provide great workouts, unfortunetly they don't usually fit your goals. 
Working with a trainer programs are designed to your individual goals, this ensures that you get maximum results 

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